HIPAA compliance and complete confidentiality are paramount at InjuryAge. Our policy is simple, succinct and straightforward: Your confidentiality and privacy are essential to us. Everyone affiliated with InjuryAge is required to maintain strict confidentiality with all information that is provided. Policies, procedures and other safeguards are in place to help protect your personal health information (PHI) from improper use and disclosure. We pledge to never disclose any images, information, or documentation without prior consent. We believe in complete confidentiality so strongly that it is optional to provide first and/or last names to identify medical diagnostic scans and/or records. We will never include a name or other identifying information in any AI related request/order and names will only be listed on reports if desired by our customers/clients/members.
Put simply, any PHI that is provided to InjuryAge will never be used for marketing and advertising purposes. Ever.
We will never give, trade, or sell any personal health information or documentation to other companies. Ever.